ISSO - International Seismic Safety Organization
ISSO stands to promote public safety by being prepared for the largest potential events
You are invited to join ISSO if you are interested in upholding civil protection or public safety to the highest level, reducing risk and/or avoiding catastrophes in the events of unpredictable powerful earthquakes. We invite individuals from all backgrounds (e.g., geoscientists, engineers, environmentalists, emergency managers, risk analysts, planners, lawyers, doctors, sociologists, economists, strategists, teachers, etc) and private or public groups (e.g., organizations, institutes, associations, corporations, foundations, etc) having a deep interest to uphold civil protection.
Next-Generation EEW Empowered by NDSHA: From Concept to Implementation
A possible combination of Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) and Neo-deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment (NDSHA) is proposed to a new warning model. The aim is to provide a differentiated warning alert to various end-users based on the results of seismic hazard assessment evaluation. With the great attention and resources put into the…
Neo‑deterministic seismic hazard assessment of Corsica‑Sardinia block
The Corsica-Sardinia lithospheric block is commonly considered a region with very low seismicity. This hypothesis has recently been challenged by pattern recognition analysis of morphostructural evidence, for the identification of seismogenic nodes capable of M5 +, and the revised historical seismicity. All this made it possible to supply reliable seismic…
Newsletter #6
The July flooding disaster in Central Europe affecting developed industrial nations once again shows the limitations of post-disaster emergency management. Looking back to recent events like the COVID-19 pandemic, the latest flooding and remembering the failures to cope with big earthquake and tsunami disasters in the past any person of…
a very interesting new book
The book “Earthquakes and Sustainable Infrastructure: Neo-Deterministic (NDSHA) Approach Guarantees Prevention Rather Than Cure” edited by Giuliano F. Panza, Vladimir G. Kossobokov, Efraim Laor and Benedetto De Vivo, aims to communicate in one volume the “state-of-the-art” scientific knowledge on earthquakes and related seismic risks. PanzaetalElsevierBook
Newsletter #5
The new started a few months ago and still many countries are suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Watching TV transmissions and talk shows any person with a scientific background understands that the communication of scientific facts in a time characterized by information overload and incompetent communication of hazards and risks…
We are on line again
Newsletter 4 After a longer break we return to the regular publication of our newsletter. Purpose and topics of the newsletter will be changed. Besides the exchange of news about our organization the main purpose of the newsletter consists in providing information on interesting topics of general interest as well…
Earthquake in Amatrice, M 6.2
by Jens-Uwe Klügel, PhD Italy was hit again by a damaging earthquake during the night of August 24, 2016. Different values of magnitude have been assigned to the quake by different agencies ranging from M6 to M6.2. The estimated number of human losses is still unclear …
Newsletter #3
by Jens-Uwe Kluuml;gel, PhD ISSO members discussed several ideas how to get a better link between seismology and earthquake engineering. In compliance with our position paper we want to prepare the society to be prepared for the worst possible event that can be supported by science. A reasonable way to…